Bucks County Health Improvement
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Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Healthcare Issues to Take Care of in the New Year

By- bchip

The New Year is a great time to look at your health and your healthcare plans and make some resolutions for the future. We all start the new year with high hopes and great plans, but most of us struggle with the follow-through. The key is to prioritize and to have strong motivations – a “Why” – to help us continue until we fulfill our goals. Sometimes we also need a little help. At BCHIP, we can help you reach

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Isolation and Mental Health

By- bchip

Community is critical for all of us, regardless of our age or mental/physical conditions. As the poet John Donne wrote centuries ago, “No man is an island.” We all need others in order to be healthy and whole in body, mind, and spirit. Many of us have the ability to connect with others, either through school or work, a strong supportive family, or extra-curricular activities. Surprisingly, many of these people still struggle with emotional feelings of isolation because of excessive

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Hospitals in Bucks County

By- bchip

Our Bucks County hospitals are among the best in the Philadelphia region, and some are rated among the best in the country. These top-notch healthcare facilities are part of the BCHIP partnership, collaborating with us and other healthcare and advocacy groups in our area to continually improve access to the best health services for the residents of Bucks County. Grand View Hospital was Bucks County’s very first hospital, founded in 1913 by local doctors who were concerned about the future

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Healthy Aging in Bucks County: How BCHIP Supports Seniors

By- bchip

BCHIP is focused on ensuring that our Bucks County seniors receive the highest-quality healthcare available so they can live their lives to the fullest. We are not only making sure that our current seniors have the care they need but are also focused on expanding our services to meet the needs of our growing senior population in the decades to come. Advanced care planning Advanced care planning is often referred to as a living will. In this document, you indicate

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

The Role of Bucks County Hospitals in Community Health Improvement

By- bchip

Bucks County hospitals are critical partners in BCHIP’s goal to create a community in which all our citizens experience the highest quality healthcare services. Hospitals play an important part in most of our initiatives and programs and they work with BCHIP to continually develop a coordinated approach to address challenges and fill in gaps in healthcare services. BCARES (Bucks County Connect. Assess. Refer. Engage. Support), is a warm handoff collaboration with the six Bucks County hospitals and an assigned Certified

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Substance Abuse Support in Bucks County

By- bchip

Substance abuse is a very serious issue throughout the United States, and BCHIP and its partners are committed to combatting it in Bucks County through enhanced health services, recovery services, and prevention education. BCDAC: The mission of the Bucks County Drug and Alcohol Commission (BCDAC) is to eliminate the use of illegal drugs, reduce the use of tobacco, and end the abuse of, misuse of, and addiction to alcohol and other drugs throughout Bucks County. To fulfill its mission, BCDAC

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Great American Smokeout

By- bchip

If you’ve been thinking about quitting the nicotine habit, the Great American Smokeout is a great day to begin.  Quitting isn’t easy. Nicotine is not the only physically addictive chemical in cigarettes—tobacco contains a range of addictive chemical compounds, and depending on your brand, there could be other additives that are adding to your addiction. But besides the physical addiction, there are also emotional and behavioral habits that need to be addressed in order to successfully overcome an addiction to

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Supporting a Family Member in Crisis

By- bchip

If you have a family member in crisis, whether that be a mental health issue, an addiction problem, housing, abuse, or any other crisis, Bucks County and the wider community have resources to help. Neither you nor your loved one has to go it alone. We will support you and help your loved one through the crisis.  Mental health crises Mental and emotional health problems are unfortunately on the rise; however, this has had at least one positive effect in

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Careers in Healthcare: Get the Training You Need

By- bchip

The job market is tightening and many people are finding it difficult to find a job in their current career. Maybe it’s time for a career pivot. BCHIP has secured a Direct Care Worker Grant to help those already in healthcare and those new to the field receive the training they need.  BCHIP was one of only eight healthcare organizations chosen out of the many who applied to secure a Direct Care Worker Grant from the state. This grant supplies

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Find Help Through PA Navigate

By- bchip

If you or a loved one needs help, there are many resources in Bucks County to turn to. However, many people feel lost, because they don’t know how to find the help they need. PA-navigate.org to the rescue! PA-navigate.org is an online searchable website similar to the Yellow Pages for health and human services organizations. Previously known as findhelp.org, the state of Pennsylvania wanted to create a PA branding so that all citizens of Pennsylvania would recognize it as a

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Blue Zones in Bucks County

By- bchip

BCHIP has partnered with State Senator Steve Santarsiero of the 10th district and the organization Blue Zones to help improve the health, longevity, and happiness of the residents of Bucks County. The Blue Zones organization is rooted in the research done by National Geographic Fellow Dan Buettner, who examined areas around the world where people seemed to live happier, longer lives. Drawing from his research, he wrote several books on these regions, which he named blue zones.  Blue Zones’ mission

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Long-Term Care Partnership for the Present and the Future

By- bchip

Our Bucks County population is aging. In order to provide our older residents with the finest medical care and support, we need to ensure that our senior services have sufficient capacity to provide the care our Bucks County residents will need. According to 2023 census data, 21% of the Bucks County population is already 65 or older, and our median age is 44 years old. This tells us two things: We need to act immediately to ensure there is sufficient

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Struggles in Long-Term Care

By- bchip

BCHIP, in conjunction with the Bucks County Commissioners, Bucks County Health Department, Bucks County Emergency Services, all Bucks County hospitals, and our long-term care facility partners, created the Bucks County Long-Term Care Partnership to create a non-competitive environment in which healthcare facilities and advocates can work together to overcome some of the issues facing long-term care services in Bucks County. Our goal is to improve the experience for both patients and staff, so that residents feel nurtured, empowered, and respected,

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

After an Overdose

By- bchip

Substance abuse causes tremendous suffering to both individuals and their families. When you or a loved one experiences an overdose, you need immediate help to recover as well as long-term support to overcome addiction. BCHIP is here to provide that help through a program known as BCARES. BCARES BCARES is a collaboration of many healthcare and behavioral health partners throughout Bucks County. These organizations work together to provide assistance to individuals who have survived an opioid overdose. BCARES also provides

Bucks County Health Improvement  Partnership (BCHIP)

Myths about Healthcare Advance Directives / Living Wills

By- bchip

At BCHIP, we work to ensure that all residents of Bucks County have access to quality healthcare and accurate healthcare information so that they can make educated decisions regarding their personal health needs. Healthcare advance directives can ensure that your wishes are carried out if you cannot speak for yourself at some point. Healthcare advance directives are legal documents that provide instructions to medical personnel about the types of treatment you do and do not want to receive. Advance directives

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