Side Effects When You Stop Smoking

If you want to quit smoking, it is best to be prepared for the possible side effects. Trying to break the smoking habit can be difficult because of the physical withdrawal your body goes through. Nicotine is an addictive substance, and as with any physical addiction, the body gets used to having it in the system and must realign itself to not having it anymore.

One of the most common reasons why people are unable to quit smoking is because it’s uncomfortable and they don’t have the support they need to stay the course. Our free, 5-session Quit Smoking Program provides you with the moral support you need to keep going until the addiction has been completely broken.

Nicotine withdrawal symptoms
Some of the most common side effects from nicotine withdrawal include:

  • Headaches and irritability from the body’s craving for nicotine
  • Fatigue and lack of concentration as the brain is denied the stimulant of nicotine
  • Nausea, hunger, constipation, gas, and stomach pain as the digestive system expels toxins and adjusts to fewer stimulants in the system
  • Sore throat, dry throat, coughing, and post-nasal drip as the body tries to rid itself of accumulated phlegm
  • Feelings of anxiety, depression, restlessness, and insomnia or other sleep issues as the brain readjusts its signals and brain waves

While these symptoms are very unpleasant, they are actually a good sign! They mean that your body is trying to adjust to living without nicotine. Remember, none of these symptoms will cause you any harm. They’re just uncomfortable. Plan ahead with strategies to combat them and you’ll increase your likelihood of success.

Prepare ahead
As mentioned, our Quit Smoking Program will give you moral support from others going through the process with you as well as great strategies to keep you on track and help you succeed.

In addition, you may want to talk to your co-workers and loved ones. Let them know you want to quit smoking and ask them for support. You might also want to apologize in advance for any irritability that you may take out on them. Share with them the likely side effects and ask them to help you manage them. The more support you have the better.

Our program also evaluates nicotine replacement therapies such as the nicotine patch or gum and provides support for those who are using them. If you are going to utilize one of these treatments, there may be additional side effects. Talk to your doctor so you know what to expect.

We want you to succeed so you can live a nicotine-free life. Our smoking cessation programs are offered both in-person and virtually so that you can join us from anywhere. Visit our website today to learn more.


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